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  • Courses


img Beginners
Total Classes: 48

Age Group: 5 to 15
Batch size: One-One
Duration per class: One hour
Format: Live Online Class

  • 36 Hours of lessons
  • 8 hrs of Practice and analysis sessions
  • 4 hrs of Reviews and Doubts clearing sessions
  • Worksheets for every lesson with follow-up in spreadsheets with the level analyser

img Intermediate
Total Classes: 48

Age Group: 7 to 15
Batch size: One-One
Duration per class: One hour
Format: Live Online Class

  • 36 Hours of lessons
  • 8 hrs of Practice and analysis sessions
  • 4 hrs of Reviews and Doubts clearing sessions
  • Rating and Competitive tournaments awareness

img Advanced
Total Classes: 96

Age Group: 8 to 15
Batch size: One-One
Duration per class: One hour
Format: Live Online Class

  • 76 Hours of lessons
  • 10 hrs of Practice and analysis sessions
  • 10 hrs of Reviews and Doubts clearing sessions
  • Worksheets for every lesson with follow-up in spreadsheets with the level analyser